Early learning enables successful learning

Pre-school education in preparation for Primary School at Barisal, Bangladesh

The Bangladeshi government provides primary education throughout the country. Yet in the remote rural working area of partner organizations Aloshikha and BVDO, the quality of this education is limited. A great number of children fall behind and eventually give up. How to prevent early drop-outs? One of the ways that is proven to be successful, is to give children a head-start through pre-school education. Children are stimulated to discover and learn early in their development, which provides a solid foundation for their school career. The pre-school project of the SAKO Foundation provides 2000 children aged 3 to 6 years of high-quality pre-school education every year. Children are taught basic skills and are prepared for primary school. Read more...


Shared responsibility: contributing is empowering

Stichting SAKO has supported the pre-primary school program since 1998 with an amount of € 43,000 per year. This is fully financed by the donation of a large Charity Foundation. The partner organizations Aloshikha and BVDO bear 16% of the project costs themselves. They do so by asking a small contribution from the parents, yet exemption of these costs remains a possibility for the poorest families. However, the majority of the costs are covered by small-scale agricultural activities. Both Aloshikha and BVDO have a well-running poultry farm. Aloshikha runs a fish pond as well. The income generated with these business initiatives are partly used to finance their educational activities.


This project is implemented by two partner organizations from SAKO:
